High Voltage Coffee Blog

Strong & Delicious

Strong & Delicious

At High Voltage Coffee Co. our goal was to create a strong coffee but also wanted our coffee to be amazing to drink, strong, full of flavour, with zero bitterness, and an overall well-balanced coffee. 

We wanted something that will make people say WOW (and we have). High Voltage Coffee is a super blend using premium Arabica and Robusta Coffee beans sourced from the highest quality producers throughout the world and then roasted in-house here in Australia for the ultimate freshness and taste.

Strong Coffee Australia Beans

Robusta and Arabica beans both have different positive qualities. If done right, they can be blended to create a super coffee. Robusta is the strength-giving element of High Voltage Coffee. The Robusta beans contain around 2.2% caffeine, compared to the Arabica beans 1%. We go a few steps further and source Robusta which has even higher Caffeine content.

Why wouldn’t we just use 100% Robusta you ask? Compared to Robusta beans the Arabica contains twice the natural sugars (6-8% versus 3-6%), which means Arabica is a naturally sweeter coffee bean. This doesn’t just make it sweeter but allows the more interesting aromatic compounds to develop while roasting and gives the coffee a velvety mouthfeel because of a higher level of flavour particles.


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